My First Days in Greece

On one of the first days we were in Athens, we saw the guards who are called Evzones at Syntagma Square. They were doing a special routine where they flicked their feet. My dad took a video. Just when we thought it was over, a person was walking over and got the black thing on the hat and wiped their noses for them. I think they did it because they weren't allowed to move.

On another day, we went to the Acropolis. First we went to the museum where there were models of what it was in different years. 

There were also statues and other old things, like this old treasure chest. People donated money so they would have a good marriage. 

We went to the museum's cafe which had really bad service because we only ordered drinks and it took like 45 minutes. Also, mom waved to the waiter and he still didn't come to take our order for a long time.

After the museum, we had to walk up to the Acropolis. It was very steep. We saw a tortoise! You can look very closely in this photo to see it.  

There was a wonderful view from the top of the Acropolis. Behind me, you can see the museum where we were. At the top, there was the Parthenon which is the temple built for Athena. Athena was the goddess who Athens was named after and was very proud of. She had lots of different powers, like war, sewing, and wisdom. 

After the Acropolis, we walked around for a little bit then we had dinner. It was very delicious. It was kebabs. I really liked the kebabs. I didn't like the pita but everyone else did. I'm not sure why I didn't like it. There were boys playing drums and asking for money. They weren't really begging but they weren't really busking either. They just played quickly then put their hand out for money.

On the next day, mom and I went to the main market in Athens. This was a church nearby. 

In this picture, there was a bath bomb that was shaped like a macaroon. If someone bought it and thought it was an actual macaroon and they tried to bite it, then they would realise it wasn't real. 

We also got some different snacks. This was a coconut stick.

This was a coconut granita (slushy) and a doughnut. 

This was roasted corn. I think Athens is very nice because I really like the markets. I wouldn't live here because it's too hot though. 


  1. This was a very entertaining blog post Cora! I liked the comment you made about the little drummer boys who were not begging but not busking either. Must be hard eating that corn with your two front teeth missing! Love you, Dad


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