Picasso Museum

Dad and I went to the Picasso museum in Malaga, Spain. My dad did not know this but Picasso was born in Malaga. I can’t believe dad did not know that. I am 7 years and he is 41 years old, and he had 41 years to learn that. Picasso was a very famous artist that helped invent “abstract art” and a style of painting called cubism. That’s what Zorion said.

Zorion, Zavian and mom also went to the museum but we went separately

Before we got to go into the museum it was really hot so we got a slushie. I got a San Francisco flavour and Dad got an energy flavour. We had to finish the slushie before we could go into the museum. We also got some bubble gum. When we were in Naples we had a watermelon gum, and when we were here in Malaga there was also a watermelon gum. I like fruit flavoured gum.

Zavian watching Picasso's video

When we got into the museum we had to pay to get our tickets and an audio guide. There were a lot of doors to walk through and a lot of paintings. There was also a little TV that showed Picasso painting
some things. 

I thought he was going to look younger with long hair, not like dread locks long hair, just a bit long. Instead he was bald and was old looking with no facial hair.

Then we saw some very colourful paintings. Sometimes we did not know what the paintings were supposed to be. I thought one painting was two birdies on top of a drawer, but it was actually a rooster and a knife.

All the paintings had very unique and different names. One painting was called “lady with a hat”, another statue was I think called “leaf lady” and there was an interesting painting called “rooster and a knife”.

There was also a little movie about Picasso and the Spanish war. It told you how some paintings were bombed and so they asked Picasso to paint some more and put them in the gallery. Next to the movie screen there was a little sticker wall activity. You had to put a round sticker and choose one side of the wall. Each side had a different perspective of art. For example one side of the wall said “art is fun” and the other side had “art is serious”. You had to choose which side you wanted to put your sticker on.

Once we finished the gallery we saw a little photo-shoot booth. Inside there was a background of a little office where people used to paint and then you could do different poses. There was a little click-foot switch that I will explain using an analogy. Basically, when you are driving there is a little pedal that you have to press, so with this one there is a little pedal that you press to take the photo. There is a little TV screen where the photo pops up and you can take a photo of the photo screen. Most people take one or two photos, but we took more than 20 photos. We probably spent more time doing photo shoots then we did in the actually gallery! Most of the photos we took were funny ones of us climbing the little ladder, jumping in the air and grabbing the little mask while dad was pretending to grab me.

When we were at the airport, I drew a little abstract painting after being inspired by Picasso. I really liked the Picasso museum. Picasso is my favourite artist.
