My 5 Favourite Highlights in Cambodia

We went to Cambodia. It was nearly our last stop before we go home. I was very excited about the place and going home. 

We went to Battambang in Cambodia to see the Baha'i House of Worship. It was a very beautiful place. The building was so unique and original. I liked how they put the pointy side roof things like they have in other Buddhist and Hindu temples onto the Baha'i House of Worship. There was four types of things to sit on inside the House of Worship. There was a big mat, lots of cushions, some chairs and a big wooden bench going all around the inside of the house of worship. I liked standing next to my Dad and copying his arm movements while he did the long obligatory prayer.

Here are five other favourite things we did in Battambang, Cambodia:

1. Tuk tuks

Riding in all the different Tuk Tuks was fun. We rode in three different sizes of tuk tuks. One of them was really unstable and we were riding in a road which had a lot of holes so we were really nervous. When we turned, everyone leaned the other way so it wouldn’t fall over. Then there was a really small one where Zavi and I had to sit on someone’s lap instead of just me. It was really squished but secure. The last one was very good. It wasn’t leaning and we interacted with the driver.

2. Krama

We went to a place where they made the Cambodian scarves called "krama". We saw the looms which they used to weave it. They use krama for holding the rice when they are picking it in the rice fields.

They put it around their heads for shade. When they get sweaty they can use it to wipe their heads. They can also put it around their necks.

Something I did was to wet the krama and then put it around me so it keeps me cool and I can also use it to wipe sweat. Men use it around their legs like a lava lava which is a Samoan cloth which is very thin and people put it around their waist. My dad does that.

3. Nerry's day tour

My great uncle Vaughan lives in Thailand and he has a friend in Cambodia called Nerry. She has a truck and we rode on the truck because a tuk tuk is very small and we were doing long drives and going up steep hills. I will tell you a few favourite things we did on our day with Nerry.

We stopped at a school of Arts where Nerry worked. The children learnt how to perform in the Cambodian Phare Circus. 

Next we went to a big temple called Ek Phnom temple.

We climbed up and down the temple and two little girls came up and had a little bird that they let me hold. We had to use a phone translator app to talk to the little girls.

Then we went to get a special food called sticky bamboo rice from a lady on the street. It was sticky rice mixed with coconut milk, condensed milk and a few beans in the top. It was yummy. 

Then we went up a hill to another temple and met some Buddhist monks praying and saw some monkeys. It was cool because I have never prayed like that on my knees with my hands together like this: 


and holding burning incense.

Next we saw the bats flying out of the cave. Zorion learnt a little trick. When you say "shhhh!" into the sky, the bats would scatter.

Then it was dinner time at a Bahai family's house. At first I thought I would have to sit at the dinner table listening to adults talking, but then I went up to a little girl called Ridvan and asked her to play a game.

We played hide and seek and it was really fun. That is what we did with Nerry.

4. Royal Hotel

We stayed at the Royal Hotel. They gave us lots of water which kept us hydrated and cool. I really liked how the bedrooms were big and spacey. The rooftop area was good for dancing and singing. One time I went up there by myself and my Dad did not know where I was and he found me singing and dancing on the roof area. The man and his family that own the hotel were very friendly to us.

5. Bubble tea

Across the road from our hotel was a bubble tea shop. We went there almost everyday and sometimes twice a day. It cost less than a dollar for a tea. There was a new flavour I had not tried before called Jasmine milk tea. On the last day we went there but it was closed because Dad made us have showers before we left and so we got there too late. So we went to another bubble tea place and I got the same jasmine bubble tea. We saw mum riding in a tuk tuk riding the opposite way. She saw us and pulled over. We walked home together while the boys got pizza, chicken and rice for dinner.

I really enjoyed my trip to Cambodia. I probably won't be coming back here anytime soon because Australia is very far away. So I am really glad I went this time!
