Nazareth Village

We went to the Nazareth Village which showed the time of Jesus. I really liked how they used real life people and olden day clothes to dress up in, to make it like they were real people from that time. I liked it how they used real animals too instead of big stuffed animals.

There were two donkeys. They used them for farming. In this picture you can see the wooden board with stones that helped with farming, that they'd attach to the donkey with a rope. So they didn't have to use a rake which would make it uneven.

We also saw some sheep. They said the sheep were more obedient than the goats, so they kept them (and gave away the goats). They used the sheep to get wool.

In this photo, you can see the scissors that they use to cut the sheep wool.

They showed us some woollen dolls that they made with leftover wool.

The lady showed us how they coloured the wool and the different plants they used for different colours (and snails for blue, purple and pink!). 

There was also a carpenter who showed us how to make holes in wood and how to make the wood soft. There was a special type of stone that they dipped in water then they put it on a stick, and it was like natural sandpaper. There was another stone they dipped in water to sharpen their tools.

There was a pottery person. We saw the foot thing that he was spinning with his foot to spin the bowl around. They showed us how they made the mud clay, too. We also saw inside his house where there was lots of different pottery like oil lamps, vases, cups, and bowls. It was very interesting.

There was also a place they made olive oil. Usually donkeys would be hooked onto the back and push it around, but the guide got two kids to do it.

Here are some of the plants that we saw: olives





They showed us how they smushed the grapes with their feet, and then the juice went down into a hole.

They also showed us the burial cave. It had a very low door and there were holes carved into the stone where they family put the body of the dead person in it. Then the women went to check the body, and they leave it for a year then the flesh falls off. Then they put the bones in a box.

Last, we went to the Synagog where we saw the replica scroll of what it would look like when Jesus was around.

I thought it was a very nice visit. I especially liked how they used the real life people and animals, that was one of my favourite bits. We haven't seen that on our tours before.

I also liked how there was actual food that they were growing. I hope you can go someday too!
